Ozone Therapy For Horses

Ozone is a super potent form of oxygen that can benefit any disease in the body. Ozone treatments are becoming one of the most requested modalities in veterinary medicine. Ozone has the ability to kill viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungus, and cancer cells. It speeds up wound healing and improves cellular health. Ozone can decrease inflammation and increase immunity. Because of it’s anti-oxidant properties, it can enhance the removal of toxins from the body. Ozone enhances circulation and helps remove plaque from the arteries.
We use ozone to treat pain, systemic illness, metabolic disease, GI disease, neurological conditions, and any infection anywhere in the body. Ozone can be injected into joints to reduce pain in a process called prolozone therapy.

Below is a list of some of the problems that we use ozone to treat:

  • Skin issues, all types of dermatitis
  • Pain relief, anywhere in the body
  • Neurological issues
  • Oral disease
  • Eye issues
  • GI problems
  • Cancer and autoimmune disease
  • Reproductive issues
  • Wound treatment

Call 979-243-4969 or email drgroves@thewholehorse.com for an appointment.